Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry Services

Emergency Service Available | 20+ Years of Experience | Family and Locally Owned

(651) 439-8840

Sedation Dentistry Services

Emergency Service Available | 20+ Years of Experience | Family and Locally Owned

(651) 439-8840

Sedation Dentistry Services

Emergency Service Available | 20+ Years of Experience | Family and Locally Owned

(651) 439-8840

Oral Conscious Sedation

Does going to the dentist make you feel a bit anxious or even terrified? Have you avoided having dental work done even though you know it will improve your oral health? If so, Carlson Dental Group can help those nerves quickly go away with oral conscious sedation.

For this, we’ll simply prescribe you a pill to take about an hour before your appointment, so by the time you actually sit in the treatment chair, you’ll already be deeply mentally and physically relaxed.

You’ll remain awake for the entire visit, but time will seem to fly by very quickly, and you’ll likely not be able to remember any of it afterward (which is perfect for some of our patients!) Call (651) 439-8840.

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